American Independent Film Festival returns to Bucharest this year with its 8th edition, which will run from June 7-13 at Cinema Elvire Popesco and The Romanian Peasant’s Museum Cinema.
The American Independent Film Festival is an American film, culture and lifestyle festival that aims to use the popularity of the cinema. Still, the cultural values propagated by it fulfill cultural, educational, training, professional, and humanitarian objectives among a Romanian audience whose education of these values has a significant place.
Access to the venues will not be allowed after the announced screening time.

Organized by the Cinemascope Association, AIFF 8 is a cultural project funded by the Romanian Ministry of Culture, the Embassy of the United States of America in Romania and the National Center of Cinematography.
A grant from the US Department of State partly funds this project. The opinions, findings and conclusions presented during the project are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. State Department.