The Bucharest International Poetry Festival (FIPB), which will feature public readings, cinema screenings, art exhibitions, recitals, theatre productions, concerts, performances, and experimental digital art programs, will hold its 12th annual edition between September 12 to September 18.
Poets from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, UK, the Republic of Moldova, Peru, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, and Hungary will do public readings as part of the festival’s schedule.
Over 35 poets from abroad and over 85 poets from all over Romania will provide a broad overview of the current poetry phenomena. A space for dialogue between the various generations, cultures, and literary geographies will be created at the festival by the presence of well-known poets on a national and/or international level as well as debut poets, resulting in the creation of the most comprehensive map of the current language used to play poetry around the world.
The public is invited to two documentary film screenings („Distanta dintre mine si mine” [The Distance between Me and Myself] ) about poet Nina Cassian, directed by Mona Nicoara, based on an idea by Ada Solomon, and „Bukovina – Tara Oamenilor Fagi,” directed by Florin Kevorkian), nine classical, jazz, and folk music concerts, and recitals by famous Romanian actors Horatiu Malaele, Ioana Craciunescu, Marius Bodochi.
The most significant new event at this year’s edition is Jeudi de la Francophonie, which honours the poetry, culture, and values of the Francophonie and its diversity and richness to the entire world. This event was organized in collaboration with the University Agency of Francophonie, the Bureau of Central and Eastern Europe – AUF ECO, the Group of Embassies, Delegations, and Francophone Institutions in Romania – GADIF, the French Embassy in Romania.
The evenings devoted to the top debut books from the previous two years and female poetry are two additional novel features of this edition. The most prominent poetry publishing firms will be invited to host book launches and discussions during the National Poetry Book Fair’s 11th edition.
The National Museum of Romanian Literature and Bucharest’s City Hall jointly host the expo, a cultural endeavour supported by the Ministry of Culture.