The „Namaste India” festival reached its 15th-anniversary edition! If you’re into Indian culture, come join the Indian Culture Festival „Namaste India” between June 28-30, 2024, at the Botanical Garden in Bucharest!
For three days, discover this fascinating country’s culture, art, spirituality, colours and flavours, spending quality time in one of the most beautiful outdoor locations in the capital.
Initiated in 2010, the „Namaste India” Festival is the most significant event in Romania dedicated to Indian culture, familiarizing Romanians with the Indian cultural space, discovering common values , and improving intercultural relations.
Namaste India Festival: Full Schedule

13:30 Inauguration ceremony, in the presence of His Excellency, Mr. Ambassador Rahul Shrivastava
14:00 The Wisdom of Spices / Angelica Mitrea / workshop area
15:00 Mantra chanting and meditation / Dada Sarvajiitananda (Ananda Marga) / workshop area
15:00 Meditation – the inner healing journey / Teodora Haidu / yoga area
16:00 Aromatherapy with Young Living essential oils and meditation with Tibetan bowls / Camelia Alecu / workshop area
16:00 Om Chanting / Bhakti Marga / yoga area
16:30 Sari dressing workshop / Hema Divakaran / stage
17:00 Sound Healing with bowls and gongs / Cristina Kravvetz (Sambodhi Studio) / workshop area
17:30 Bhajan concert / Vallabh Dhage / stage
18:00 „Stress Relief” yoga class / Claudiu Buda / workshop area
18:00 Presentation of Atma Kriya Yoga / Bhakti Marga/scene
18:30 Kirtan concert / Bhakti Marga/stage
19:00 Detox Yoga for Mind and Soul / Monica Filip / workshop area
10:00 Babaji Surya Namaskar (3-hour course) / Bhakti Marga/stage
10:00 Yoga class for beginners / Claudiu Buda / yoga area
11:00 Cyclic meditation / Estera Tinça / yoga area
11:30 a.m. Ayurveda and Yoga – practical advice and therapeutic recommendations / Dr. Florin Bebeșel / workshop area
12:00 Prana Kriya Sadhana / Adina Moise / (Sambodhi Studio) / yoga area
12:30 How to use nakshatras – constellations from Vedic astrology / Irina Pleșcan / workshop area
13:00 Lecture on Buddhism (history, context and types of meditation) / Roxana Voinescu (Sambodhi Studio) / stage
13:00 Himalayan Hatha Yoga / Monica Filip / yoga area
13:30 Vastu, the art of „being” in the interior space / Iulia Taraze / workshop area
14:00 Presentation of the book „Where the Monsoon Is Born. A Year in the Kingdom of the God Parasurama” / Cătălina Pavel / scene
14:00 Nidra Yoga / Veronica Mathew (Sambodhi Studio) / yoga area
14:30 Bengali language workshop / Carmen Mușat Coman / workshop area
15:00 Mantra Chanting / Shijo Matthew (Sambodhi Studio) / yoga area
15:00 Concert of Bhajan, Qawwali and devotional music / Sahaja Yoga/stage
15:30 Beyond breathing – introductory session The Art of Living / Sonia Răduț / workshop area
16:00 Presentation of the book „Brass Temple. The biography of Padmasambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism” by Lucian Maidanuc / Guests: Lucian Maidanuc (Lecturer, Ph.D. associate Master in Religious Studies – Texts and Traditions), Madeea Axinciuc (Prof. Ph.D., University of Bucharest, master’s program director of Religious Studies – Texts and Traditions), Rodica Pop (Dr., CSII, Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Bucharest), Ovidiu Nedu (Associate Dr. Univ. Lecturer). Moderator: Sorin Lucaci (PR Herald) / stage
16:00 Satyananda Yoga class / Avisek Majumdar / yoga area
16:30 The importance of specialization in the Ayurvedic massage technique – conference and demonstration / Center for Vedic Studies/workshop area
17:00 Bollywood dance show / Yasmina Radu, Sri Thale, Mirvani Dance School, Laura Bogorodea / stage
18:00 Kathak dance performance / Snigdha Mishra / stage
19:00 Mindfulness workshop / Daniela Vornicescu / workshop area
19:00 Kirtan Concert / Center for Vedic Studies/stage
09:00 Yoga and Animals: connection and inspiration / Renata Dora Sabău / yoga area
10:00 Self-Care. Self-care with Hatha Yoga. Attention to the Joints! / Cerasela Sindile / yoga area
10:30 Lecture on Classical Yoga, Patanjali, the eight branches in the context of Hinduism / Roxana Voinescu (Sambodhi Studio) / workshop area
11:00 Yoga as a somatic practice / Dana Nedelcu / yoga area
11:00 Kolam, from a Montessori perspective – workshop for children (5-9 years) / Diana Blinda / workshop area for children
11:30 Mudre workshop / Angela Vasluianu (Sambodhi Studio) / workshop area
12:00 Chandra Namaskar – Moon Salutation / Raluca Jugaru (Sambodhi Studio) / yoga area
13:00 SURYA – guided yoga and meditation class, dedicated to the Summer Solstice and the Sun / Mariana Drăgan (Sambodhi Studio) / yoga area
13:30 Approaching Modern Problems from the Perspective of Yoga Psychology / Avisek Majumdar / workshop area
14:00 „The Future Saints of Vitthala” – kirtan concert / Bhakti Marga/stage
14:30 Ayurvedic recommendations for a healthy diet / Irina Pleșcan and Cynthia Canela / workshop area
15:00 Yoga for children / Roxana Voinescu (Sambodhi Studio) / yoga area
15:30 Book launch – „I Started Dreaming in Romanian” / Cununi de Stele Publishing House/scene
16:00 Yoga, from body psychotherapy to Advaita Vedanta / Mihail Iordache / yoga area
16:00 Echoes of healing sound – Sound Healing / Andreea Ionescu and Claudiu Buda / workshop area
16:00 Through India with Cezar Dumitru – scene
17:00 100 years of Raj Kapoor. Saree parade and Indian film music recital. Event concept: Carmen Coţovanu Pesantez, a specialist in Indian culture and civilization. Guests: Indian music singer Naliny and lyrical artist Alin Horia Mânzat – Bucharest National Opera/stage
17:00 The story of a Sacred Journey to India – interactive workshop / Monica Filip / workshop area
18:00 Panjabi dance performance / Arohi Hans / stage
18:05 Bharatanatyam dance performance / Hema Divakaran / stage
19:00 Kirtan: Sound Yoga / Dana Nedelcu and Cristi Drîmbă / stage
Namaste India Festival: Tickets
Adults: 15 RON (EUR 3). Pensioners, pupils and students: 5 RON (EUR 1). Children have free entry
The entrance ticket to the Botanical Garden is purchased separately (full ticket: 10 RON (EUR 2), reduced ticket: 5 lei (EUR 1).
Namaste India Festival: Visiting Hours
Opening hours: 09:00 – 20:00 (last entrance: 19:30)